Tuesday 12:53a EST  [change time zone] 
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11:00p- 1:00a IPR Studio One [MP3] (i)World Cafe (i) (eclectic music, NPR/WXPN)
 Also on KKXT [MP3][aac+] (i), KWIT [MP3][aac+] (i), WCBU 2 [MP3][MP3] (i), WMPN 2 [MP3][aac+] (i)
12:00m- 1:00a KNPR [MP3][aac+] (i)This American Life (i) (stories, PRX/Chi PM)
 Also on KPBX [MP3] (i)
12:00m- 1:00a KDLG [MP3] (i)Fresh Air (i) (culture/arts, NPR/WHYY)
 Also on WKNO 2 [MP3] (i), WYSO [MP3] (i)
12:00m- 2:00a KPUB [MP3] (i)All Things Considered (i) (news, NPR)
12:00m- 2:00a KUSD [MP3][aac+] (i)World Cafe (i) (eclectic music, NPR/WXPN)
 Also on KJAC [MP3][aac+] (i), KPRG [MP3] (i), KUTX [MP3] (i)
12:00m- 2:00a NPR Program Stream [MP3][aac+][HLS] (i)Morning Edition (i) (news, NPR)
12:00m- 2:00a WABE 2 [MP3] (i)World Cafe (i) (eclectic music, NPR/WXPN)