M | 12:00m- 1:00a | Hearts of Space (ambient/contemplative music) |
Su | 12:00m- 1:00a | Radio Poland (international service, Polish R) |
MTuWThFSaSu | 1:00a- 2:00a | Kan Israeli News (international service, Kan) |
MTuWThFSaSu | 2:00a- 2:30a | Radio Prague (international service, Czech R) |
MTuWThFSaSu | 2:30a- 3:00a | Radio Slovakia International (international service, RTVS (Slovakia)) |
MTuWThFSaSu | 3:00a- 3:05a | Deutsche Welle News (news, DW (Germany)) |
TuWThFSa | 3:05a- 3:30a | Africa Link (world affairs, DW (Germany)) |
Su | 3:05a- 3:30a | Worldlink (world affairs, DW (Germany)) |
M | 3:05a- 4:00a | Inside Europe (world affairs, DW (Germany)) |
Tu | 3:30a- 4:00a | Inside Europe (world affairs, DW (Germany)) |
W | 3:30a- 4:00a | Science Unscripted (science/tech, DW (Germany)) |
Th | 3:30a- 4:00a | 77 Percent (world affairs, DW (Germany)) |
F | 3:30a- 4:00a | World in Progress (world affairs, DW (Germany)) |
Sa | 3:30a- 4:00a | Living Planet (ecology/garden/rural, DW (Germany)) |
Su | 3:30a- 4:00a | NHK Radio Japan (international service, NHK (Japan)) |
MTuWThFSaSu | 4:00a- 5:00a | Radio Poland (international service, Polish R) |
SaSu | 5:00a- 5:30a | Kan Israeli News (international service, Kan) |
MTuWThF | 5:00a-10:00a | Morning Edition (news, NPR) |
SaSu | 5:30a- 6:00a | Radio Prague (international service, Czech R) |
Sa | 6:00a- 7:00a | Morning Ireland (news, RTE (Ireland)) |
Su | 6:00a- 7:00a | New Dimensions (religion/beliefs) |
Sa | 7:00a- 8:00a | People's Pharmacy (health) |
Su | 7:00a- 8:00a | Tech Nation (science/tech) |
Sa | 8:00a-10:00a | Weekend Edition Saturday (news, NPR) |
Su | 8:00a-10:00a | Weekend Edition Sunday (news, NPR) |
TuWThF | 10:00a- 1:00p | Beethoven Network (classical music, WFMT/PRX) |
M | 10:00a-12:00n | Beethoven Network (classical music, WFMT/PRX) |
Sa | 11:00a-12:00n | Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me (quiz, NPR/Chi PM) |
Su | 11:00a-12:00n | Travel with Rick Steves (documentary, R. Steves) |
Sa | 12:00n- 1:00p | TED Radio Hour (lecture, NPR) |
Su | 12:00n- 1:00p | Weekend Radio (funny, Ideastream) |
F | 1:00p- 2:00p | Beethoven Network (classical music, WFMT/PRX) |
Su | 1:00p- 2:00p | Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me (quiz, NPR/Chi PM) |
W | 1:00p- 3:00p | Beethoven Network (classical music, WFMT/PRX) |
Sa | 1:00p- 3:00p | American Routes (eclectic music, PRX) |
MTuTh | 1:00p- 4:00p | Beethoven Network (classical music, WFMT/PRX) |
Su | 2:00p- 3:00p | Snap Judgment (stories, PRX) |
F | 2:00p- 4:00p | American Routes (eclectic music, PRX) |
Sa | 3:00p- 5:00p | Acoustic Cafe (folk music) |
Su | 4:00p- 5:00p | People's Pharmacy (health) |
MTuWThF | 4:00p- 6:30p | All Things Considered (news, NPR) |
SaSu | 5:00p- 6:00p | Weekend All Things Considered (news, NPR) |
Sa | 6:00p- 7:00p | Snap Judgment (stories, PRX) |
Su | 6:00p- 7:00p | Folk Sampler (folk music) |
MTuWThF | 6:30p- 7:00p | Marketplace (business, APM) |
MTuWThF | 7:00p- 8:00p | Fresh Air (culture/arts, NPR/WHYY) |
Su | 7:00p- 8:00p | Celtic Connections (folk music, WFMT) |
MTuWTh | 8:00p-10:00p | Jazzworks with Helen Wigger (jazz music, Jazzworks) |
Su | 8:00p-11:00p | Jazzworks with Bob Studebaker (jazz music, Jazzworks) |
MTuWTh | 10:00p-11:00p | Jazzworks with Bob Studebaker (jazz music, Jazzworks) |
F | 10:00p-11:00p | Swingin' Down the Lane (older popular music) |
Sa | 10:00p-11:00p | Beale Street Caravan (blues music) |
F | 11:00p- 1:00a | Jazzworks with Bob Studebaker (jazz music, Jazzworks) |
Sa | 11:00p-12:00m | Jazzworks with Osei Chandler (jazz music, Jazzworks) |
Su | 11:00p-12:00m | Putumayo World Music Hour (world music) |