is developed and edited by Kevin A. Kelly. This site and its database copyright © 2001-2024, Kevin A. Kelly (except for some BBC data which was supported by but is outdated since they stopped updating mid-2017).
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ZIZ 1 of 2 streams from ZIZ
Location: Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis Format: full service Language: English
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| Program Scheduleschedule on station site
Programs in our database:
SaSu | 12:00m-12:06a | BBC News Bulletin (news, BBC WS) | MTuWThF | 12:00m-12:30a | The Newsroom (news, BBC WS) | Sa | 12:06a- 1:00a | The Real Story (politics/issues, BBC WS) | Su | 12:06a-12:30a | From Our Own Correspondent (world affairs, BBC WS) | M | 12:32a- 1:00a | Crowd Science (science/tech, BBC WS) | Tu | 12:32a- 1:00a | Discovery (science/tech, BBC WS) | W | 12:32a- 1:00a | Digital Planet (science/tech, BBC WS) | Th | 12:32a- 1:00a | Healthcheck (health, BBC WS) | F | 12:32a- 1:00a | Science in Action (science/tech, BBC WS) | Su | 12:32a-12:50a | The Story (documentary, BBC WS) | Su | 12:50a- 1:00a | Over to You (media, BBC WS) | SaSu | 1:00a- 1:30a | The Newsroom (news, BBC WS) | MTuWThF | 1:00a- 2:00a | Newsday (news, BBC WS) | Sa | 1:32a- 2:00a | Cultural Frontline (culture/arts, BBC WS) | Su | 1:32a- 2:00a | This is Africa (world affairs, BBC WS) | SaSu | 2:00a- 3:00a | Weekend (news, BBC WS) | SaSu | 3:00a- 4:00a | Weekend (news, BBC WS) | SaSu | 4:00a- 4:30a | Weekend (news, BBC WS) | Sa | 4:32a- 5:00a | Documentary (documentary, BBC WS) | Su | 4:32a- 5:00a | Food Chain (ecology/garden/rural, BBC WS) | SaSu | 5:00a- 5:06a | BBC News Bulletin (news, BBC WS) | Sa | 5:06a- 5:30a | BBC OS (news, BBC WS) | Su | 5:06a- 5:30a | From Our Own Correspondent (world affairs, BBC WS) | Sa | 5:32a- 5:50a | The Story (documentary, BBC WS) | Su | 5:32a- 6:00a | Outlook (magazine, BBC WS) | Sa | 5:50a- 6:00a | Over to You (media, BBC WS) | Su | 6:00a- 6:06a | BBC News Bulletin (news, BBC WS) | Su | 6:06a- 6:30a | Worklife India (business, BBC WS) | Su | 6:32a- 7:00a | Heart and Soul (religion/beliefs, BBC WS) | MTuWThFSaSu | 7:00a- 7:06a | BBC News Bulletin (news, BBC WS) | MTuWThFSa | 7:00p- 7:06p | BBC News Bulletin (news, BBC WS) | Su | 10:00p-10:30p | The Newsroom (news, BBC WS) | Su | 10:32p-11:00p | Climate Question (science/tech, BBC WS) | Su | 11:00p-11:06p | BBC News Bulletin (news, BBC WS) | Su | 11:06p-11:50p | The Forum (talk, BBC WS) | Su | 11:50p-12:00m | Sporting Witness (sports, BBC WS) |