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VOA 343R 1 of 76 streams from Voice of America
Location: Washington, DC, USA Format: international Language: Multilingual
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| Program ScheduleSu | 1:00a- 1:30a | Reporters' Roundtable (world affairs, VOA) | Sa | 1:30a- 2:00a | Health Chat (health, VOA) | Su | 1:30a- 2:00a | Up Front (talk, VOA) | SaSu | 10:05a-11:00a | Music Time in Africa (world music, VOA) | MTuWThF | 12:00n-12:30p | South Sudan in Focus (regional/local affairs, VOA) | MTuWThF | 1:00p- 1:30p | South Sudan in Focus (regional/local affairs, VOA) | Tu | 2:00p- 2:30p | Health Chat (health, VOA) | Th | 2:00p- 2:30p | Up Front (talk, VOA) | MTuWThFSa | 2:30p- 3:00p | Learning English (language, VOA) | SaSu | 3:05p- 4:00p | Music Time in Africa (world music, VOA) | Sa | 4:05p- 5:00p | Nightline Africa (regional/local affairs, VOA) | SaSu | 5:05p- 6:00p | Music Time in Africa (world music, VOA) | M | 5:35p- 6:00p | Flashpoint Ukraine (international service, VOA) | F | 6:05p- 6:30p | Encounter (talk, VOA) | Sa | 6:05p- 6:30p | Issues in the News (politics/issues, VOA) | Sa | 10:30p-11:00p | Plugged In (world affairs, VOA) |