Thursday  6:09a EST  [change time zone] 
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1 of 3 streams from World Radio Paris

Location: Paris, France
Format: international/variety
Language: English

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Program Schedule

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Programs in our database:
MTuWThF 12:00m- 1:00a Newsday (i) (news, BBC WS)
SaSu 12:00m-12:30a The Newsroom (i) (news, BBC WS)
Sa 12:32a- 1:00a Cultural Frontline (i) (culture/arts, BBC WS)
Su 12:32a-12:50a Trending (i) (miscellaneous, BBC WS)
Su 12:50a- 1:00a More or Less (i) (documentary, BBC WS)
MTuWThF  1:00a- 2:00a Newsday (i) (news, BBC WS)
SaSu  1:00a- 2:00a Weekend (i) (news, BBC WS)
MTuWThF  2:00a- 3:00a Newsday (i) (news, BBC WS)
Sa  2:00a- 3:00a New Yorker Radio Hour (i) (magazine, NYPR)
Su  2:00a- 3:00a Milk Street Radio (i) (food/home, PRX)
 3:00a- 4:00a Inside Europe (i) (world affairs, DW (Germany))
TuWThFSa  3:00a- 4:00a The World (i) (news, PRX/WGBH)
Su  3:00a- 4:00a Good Food (i) (food/home, KCRW)
MTuWThF  4:00a- 4:05a ABC News (i) (news, ABC)
Sa  4:00a- 4:30a The Treatment (i) (culture/arts, KCRW)
Su  4:00a- 5:00a This American Life (i) (stories, PRX/Chi PM)
MTuWThF  4:30a- 5:00a Australia Wide (i) (regional/local affairs, ABC)
Sa  4:30a- 5:00a Design and Architecture (i) (culture/arts, KCRW)
Sa  5:00a- 6:00a Left, Right, and Center (i) (politics/issues, KCRW)
Su  5:00a- 6:00a Moth Radio Hour (i) (stories, PRX)
MTuWThF  6:00a- 6:30a The Newsroom (i) (news, BBC WS)
Su  6:00a- 7:00a Live Wire (i) (live music/variety, PRX)
MTuWThF  7:00a- 7:06a BBC News Bulletin (i) (news, BBC WS)
Sa  7:00a- 8:00a Living on Earth (i) (ecology/garden/rural, PRX)
Su  7:00a- 8:00a On Story (i) (culture/arts, PRX)
MTuWTh  7:06a- 7:50a Outlook (i) (magazine, BBC WS)
 7:06a- 7:50a Fifth Floor (i) (documentary, BBC WS)
MTuWThF  7:50a- 8:00a Witness History (i) (documentary, BBC WS)
SaSu  8:00a- 9:00a Newshour (i) (news, BBC WS)
Su  9:00a- 9:30a The Treatment (i) (culture/arts, KCRW)
MTuWThF  9:00a-10:00a Newshour (i) (news, BBC WS)
Sa  9:00a-10:00a On Story (i) (culture/arts, PRX)
Su  9:30a-10:00a Design and Architecture (i) (culture/arts, KCRW)
Sa 10:00a-11:00a Day Six (i) (magazine, CBC)
Su 10:00a-11:00a Living on Earth (i) (ecology/garden/rural, PRX)
MTuWThF 10:30a-11:00a World Business Report (i) (business, BBC WS)
MTuWThF 11:00a-12:00n Democracy Now (i) (politics/issues, Pacifica)
Sa 11:00a-12:00n Reveal (i) (documentary, PRX)
MTuWThF 12:00n- 1:00p BBC OS (i) (news, BBC WS)
Sa 12:00n- 1:00p Live Wire (i) (live music/variety, PRX)
Su 12:00n- 1:00p New Yorker Radio Hour (i) (magazine, NYPR)
Sa  1:00p- 2:00p Radiolab (i) (science/tech, NYPR)
Su  1:00p- 2:00p Le Show (i) (funny, KCSN/WWNO)
Sa  2:00p- 3:00p Podcast Playlist (i) (media, CBC)
Su  2:00p- 3:00p Explorations in Science (i) (science/tech, WBAI)
Sa  3:00p- 4:00p Moth Radio Hour (i) (stories, PRX)
Su  3:00p- 4:00p Big Picture Science (i) (science/tech)
MTuWThFSaSu  4:00p- 5:00p Newshour (i) (news, BBC WS)
Sa  5:00p- 6:00p This American Life (i) (stories, PRX/Chi PM)
Su  5:00p- 6:00p Radiolab (i) (science/tech, NYPR)
MTuWThF  6:00p- 6:30p Your World Tonight (i) (news, CBC)
Su  6:00p- 6:30p This Way Out (i) (special interest)
 6:30p- 7:00p World in Progress (i) (world affairs, DW (Germany))
Su  6:30p- 7:00p Counterspin (i) (media, FAIR)
MTuWThF  6:30p- 8:00p As It Happens (i) (talk, CBC)
MTuWThF  8:00p- 8:06p BBC News Bulletin (i) (news, BBC WS)
Sa  8:00p- 8:30p Making Contact (i) (politics/issues, NRP)
MTuWThF  8:06p- 9:00p Business Matters (i) (business, BBC WS)
Sa  8:30p- 9:00p Between the Lines (i) (politics/issues, WPKN)
MTuWThF  9:00p-10:00p Pacifica Evening News (i) (news, KPFA)
MTuWTh 10:00p-11:00p Press Play (i) (talk, KCRW)
10:00p-11:00p Left, Right, and Center (i) (politics/issues, KCRW)
Sa 10:00p-11:00p Writer's Voice (i) (literature/drama, WMUA)
Su 10:00p-11:00p Sojourner Truth Radio (i) (talk, Pacifica)
Sa 11:00p-11:30p Living Planet (i) (ecology/garden/rural, DW (Germany))
Su 11:00p-11:30p Planetary Radio (i) (science/tech)
MTuWThF 11:00p-12:00m The World (i) (news, PRX/WGBH)
Sa 11:30p-12:00m World in Progress (i) (world affairs, DW (Germany))